Monday, July 26, 2021


Contrary to popular opinion, there are some good men out there. Unfortunately a lot of these men are so clueless that they choose the wrong type of women. To prevent another good man from choosing a female who does not suit him, I have prepared a list of types of women to avoid wifing at all costs. She is the type who is more trouble than she's worth. Again, I am talking to the “GOOD MEN”. Feel free to add on more suggestions in the comments.

1. The Needy Chick
She is beyond normal neediness. The type who will drag a dude down and doesn't care if he succeeds or not. She will go as far as purposely getting pregnant to “secure” him in her mind. She has nothing else going on in her life that means anything to her. Therefore, YOU are her life. So much so that she will not let you breath. She needs to either be with you constantly or know your whereabouts at all times.

2. The User/ Gold Digger
This chick is on the come up and will take what she can from you. . She will move on to your friends if she sees their money is longer than yours. She's looking for a sucka! Business, never personal for her.

3. The Whorish Chick
Sex is her weapon of choice. Some men might like getting trapped in this way. However, beware of her motives behind the sexual attention she is giving. Chances are she doesn’t even like your sex, she realizes it is your weakness and is using it to get what she wants from you.

4. The Drama Queen
The one with alot of damn issues. She is the one that constantly has some type of drama going on in her life, mostly because she is causing it. She does not know how to live without some type of drama happening. She will direct this need for drama towards her significant other. That would be you.

5. The Eternal Baby Momma
She is the chick with a bunch of  kids by "different" dudes. However, for some men be weary of the responsibility, because wifing her up ultimately means being responsible for her children as well. Careful, she may be a good woman, so it might be worth the package deal.  But if you're not a "little people" person, stay clear.

6. Insanely Jealous Woman
She is jealous to the tenth power. You can't walk in the mall without being accused of staring at every woman that passes by. You will be accused of wanting everyone from her best friend to her mother. She's even threatened by "The Real Housewives of Atlanta"..Lmao. She inspects your pockets, cell phone, car, email and your underwear. Her insecurities spell "D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R".

7. The Crazy Chick
She is much worse than the drama filled chick, she completely lacks rationale and is nutty. This is the chick who will slash your tires and break all of your car windows for not answering your phone. She lays in bed at night plotting how to punish you. RUN!!!


  1. Enuff said! I've dated all of these girls at least twice! Lol


  3. Love Guru: it depends on where u look....a perfect woman is unobtainable but a "good womn" she exist sometimes she needs a great man to recognize her unlimited potential. Same for a "good man". I must admit good men and women are not growing out on a tree but they are "growing" patient he or she is right there....sometimes right under your nose...(smile)

  4. How glad I am that I am not any of these women. I would have to concider myself the Total Package. The problem I have found is finding a many that can and will be my better half. I'm working on something....well let me rephrase...GOD is working on something in my life so hopeful that better half is closer than I think..

  5. Oop's I got so excited in my above post I realize I said many instead of MAN but I'm sure you get the point :-)
