Saturday, January 8, 2011


Ladies....If you get with a guy who cheated on his girl....most likely you'll be with a guy who cheats on his girl...Hmmm


  1. True so true! Sad, but true!

  2. This never ceases to amaze me. Somehow people get it in their heads that it couldn't happen to them b/c "what we have is different, special." Only difference is you knowingly went into a relationship with a cheater. BTW, this isn't just for ladies, men aren't exempt from this post....

  3. Oh no doubt. Its just that women are just more fragile. Men just don't care. Ya'll have to understand we have a take it or leave it mentality. How many times have you been hit on by a man you've just told that you are in a relationship?

  4. Uhhh, let's just say....LOTS! Its like the ring was a magnet and they wanted the challenge of testing the next mans waters. I don't think women are more 'fragile' per se. We are stronger and wiser than you think. Only problem is we are creatures of the heart. We love easy and hard. And to refer back to the post, some women blindly and foolishly love men that belong to someone else. Karma is a B* tho; and, you won't be able to keep something that wasn't yours to begin with.

  5. @Mo, Exactly. Not an issue with most men.

  6. Yeah, I guess you're right. MOST men don't have that issue; and, I take it that the "take it or leave it" attitude translates to they just wanted to get wet and never plannned to establish an emotional attachment in the first place? Its always easy to take it or leave it if there are no feelings involved.

  7. hit the nail on the head when you said you can't kewep something that never belonged to you in the first place. It never ceases to amaze me that some women's elf esteem can be just that low that they arwe willing to believe that playing second chair is ok. Most tell themselves "he will leave her eventually, because he loves me not her" reality is that woman posesses his name, (some cases) his children, his insurance policy, and to top it all his heart!!! Who wants to be in competition with all of that surely they loose in the end. I think most people forget that you reap what you sow....if you sow lies and deciet eventually you will reap the rewards of your labor.

  8. Unfortunately alot of men are just that shallow.

  9. @Go Girl: You betta PReeeeeEeeeEacH!!!! @ Chris: Dayum! But why?! Is there really some sort of chromosonal make up that men possess that allows them to lead w/their di...uhh, I mean penis and not their brain or heart?

  10. I got's to take this one back to my grandma's advice. Her words to me a very long time ago were, if you two "ARE NOT" married he or she does not belong to you, so you can't call it cheating you are temporarily renting/leasing each other. She always said it's like an open house (she was not saying sleep with a lot of people) it's not yours until you have paid for it, deed/title in hand (marriage). Now, if you are dating a cheating married person and they leave their spouse for you, then you get what you bargained for a lying,cheating, fornicating adulterer! Remember you were just the jump off who wanted to be his/her one and only, so what makes you think it won't happen to you?

  11. @Anon, exactly! And sooner or later it will happen to you as well. Remember Karma people.

  12. @Mo, you know when we are aroused, thats where the majority of the blood flows to. leaving nothing for the brain....I'm just sayin

  13. Prez, you mean to tell me all this boils down to poor circulation and blood flow!? ROFLMBBO!
