Thursday, January 6, 2011


If your ship doesn't come in...Swim out to it! Stay motivated yall!


  1. Motivation is the key!!!!

  2. Never give up even when the tide starts to rise and the waves get a little rough. Relax, stay calm and get back into the rythm of your stroke. What's also important to remember is to stay focused. Your ship could be headed straight towards you making your swim shorter than you think.

  3. @ Dee I like that! It's very true indeed!

  4. @ Total. We don't know what's going on out there and the only thing we can control is ourselves. We have to stay positive and always know that there is something good waiting at the end. It takes perseverance, a positive attitude, and patience. Oh how sweet the reward!

  5. are on to something here!! Patience and perserverance are to attributes you must have to ride the waves and currents. I must admit that I'm swimming but my arms are getting weak....I can see the vessel but I almost feel like it is sailing further away the harder i stroke. I am at the point of floating right now....I will start swimming again in a minute...Thanks for the encouragement!!

  6. @ Go Girl. We all get to that point when our arms get a lil weak, but just relax and rest a moment. Don't start swimming until you have gotten your arms and your mind in sync. If you find that you have been swimming towards that ship for a long time and its going in the opposite direction, then it might be time to change your course and head for calm waters. I'm headed to Cancun or some island in April, time for me to surrond myself with some calming waters...if you need a break pack your bags!

  7. Dee...I wish I could come with you...Lord knows I need a break!!! definitely next year...:)

  8. Maybe Jay will plan a trip for the blog fam...yea!!!!!

  9. You hear that Jay?????? So when is the trip?

  10. Wow! I've been put on the spot. Don't sleep tho. To be continued.......

  11. @ Jay........on somebody's beach being oiled down by Dexter St. Jacque, yea that's what I'm talking about!

  12. Jay...what Dee said...LOL
