Monday, July 26, 2021


Ladies this is the blueprint to keeping your man not just satisfied, but happy. I think alot of women feel that satisfied is good enough, and that is where the problem begins. I'm "satisfied" with a turkey and swiss sandwich, but I would be "happy" with a juicy steak. Get my drift?

1.  When a man initially meets you he knows whether you will be a "jump" or someone he can see himself in a long-term relationship with. This more than anything is based on your conversation.  Good "convo" goes a long way. I think most women would agree.

2.  Keep your appearance up at all times. I know we all have our days, but remember how you looked when we met. Many women take this for granted, but that mistress is out-working you, keeping it together everyday.

3.  Ladies, ladies, ladies...You have to step up your cook game. The old saying has never been more true, "the way to a man's heart, is thru his stomach". If you can't cook, take classes, call big mama. I know men that will leave home to get a meal from elsewhere. Just to get a good HOME-COOKED meal. May not even have sex with that person. Which brings me to my next point.

4.  Sex! Your man has to have everything in a sex partner at home. I MEAN EVERYTHING! So if you're not willing to go all out, you should let him know upfront, because it will be an issue down the road. No matter what you've heard, men want to be "freaked". Think about it like this, your man should look forward to coming home after work, not happy hour with the boys.

5.  Communication. Can he win an argument sometimes? He does want to feel like what he brings to the table holds a little weight. Let him win the debates every now and then. What i'm saying is choose your battles wisely. The most annoying thing to a man is a "nag" and in-laws. Lol. Men hate in-laws. Not necessarily the mother or father, but in-laws in general. Keep your family at a distance.

See, men are not that complicated....A list of 5 simple things to keep that special man "happy", because remember, if he is just "satisfied" with you, he will go elsewhere for "happy".

***Tip.....If the man you're with doesn't deserve these things....(whisper) YOU'RE WITH THE WRONG MAN!


  1. Yep, so true. In-laws can be trouble!

  2. Hey they just gotta do betta.

  3. I can't wait to see what the ladies will have to say about this one!

  4. It all sounds good but tell me this.... A woman that does all five of these and still her man is not HAPPY then what? I'm sure that if he is not also SATISFIED with his woman, he will find a reason to be unfaithful. I think that when a man is ready to be a kept man is when he will be both happy and satisfied.

  5. I think the ladies already know this. Hell, I can probably add three or four more things to the list that were left off. @Total: unfortunately, you are right on your point. Seems like he won't be satisfied until somebody gets hurt.

  6. @Mo, you would be surprise how many women don't do what it takes to keep their man. They talk a good game, but can't keep it up.

  7. So sad but true! @pat

  8. @Pat: I won't argue with that. Its easy for me to think that because I do the things mentioned that most women do also. I realize that may be false optimism on my part. Like I said before, I can think of some other things that I know should be on the list that women should/ should not do.

  9. Hell, I know women that don't even cook for their man.

  10. Glad you asked Jay. #6 As you mentioned, cook for your man. If you don't know how, LEARN. Ask your family, friends call Paula Deen dammit figure it out. Your man appreciates a hot meal at the end of the day. Trust me. #7 STFU! Some of y'all talk to doggone much. Stop constantly trying to pick his brain with a thousand question when you see he's not in the mood (ie: watching football. LOL) besides if you're talking too much chances are you're not listening. #8 Be romantically and sexually spontaneous. Every now and then pull a few tricks out of your hat. Get rid of the kids for a weekend of grown up fun or Come to the door with your lacy Vickies and your thigh high boots. (Make sure he's not bringing home company first). Oh, ladies here's a freebee... I hate to be blunt about this, so please forgive me in advance if this comes off raunchy, but learn how to give your husbands oral sex. (All men don't like it, make sure yours does first) Don't sleep on good head. Especially when he goes all out to please you in bed. Reciprocate good loving. #9 Support his goals. Encourage him to be upwardly mobile and ambitious. Tell him you're proud of his accomplishments. Afterall, he's the head of your home won't you all benefit from his success? *steppin off my soapbox*

  11. Mo....all I can say is wow!!! LOL Well oput a period and move on.

  12. Sounds like a dream woman. Unfortunately they stop making them in the 80s. I know every woman is going to say, yeah this is me. Like Jay said earlier, its hard to come home to a hot meal these days.

  13. @Ricky, I was going to say the same thing bruh...

  14. You guys need to check your scent to figure out why you keep attracting unfortunate women. Trust me the woman mentioned still exist but she will not give what is not going to be reciprocated.....My Big Mama always says be who u want in a mate.....Ummmm ever thought about that! How about you learn how to cook, communicate, wine and dine, keep your hair cut, smell good, go to the gym, have some babies (oh wait you can't do that one) you get my point though.

  15. We can do all 5 of these things, stand on our heads, cater to a man and more, men are still never satisfied or happy. Men are always looking for something more. I was told by a very close male friend of mine that men are dumb and I see that more and more. You have all these things and more along with having a "Good Girl" and men dont appreciate it. Like the old saying goes, you dont miss your water until your well runs dry. There are women out here who do believe in doing what it takes to keep their man happy, but is he willing to do the same?

  16. @ Pretty Ricky...I'm one of the 80's women but with a twist. It's not that they stopped making us, the smart brothers grabbed them up and held on to them. I'm a part of that rare collection, but I must say that there are sistas from that era that did not make the grade from the list. What makes me different is that I don't talk about it I just do the damn thing! I'm an action oriented woman, I was with a man who not only didnt deserve what I was doing, he didn't appreciate it. So I had to say to myself (I'm with the wrong man) then I got out. My granny's wisdom has stuck with me all these years, and all I will say is that I never kiss and tell, I show and tell!

  17. @Go Girl, we keep attracting unfortunate women because thats whats out here in abundance, just like the man said. Sure there are a few "traditional" left. But like you said, why don't we try cooking and doing all of those things, and thats exactly the mentality we speak about.

  18. @BB, just let them talk long enough, and they'll show their true colors. What Go Girl said just proves my point. Some women have that, i'm not gonna do for you, if you don't do it for me attitude. How about you cut the grass, change the oil in the car, fix the plumbing, wash the cars.....and watch this...make a baby alone! Oh thats right, you can't!
    My point is, a GOOD man doesn't mind doing the "dirty" work for his family. We don't say, you don't fix things around the house, so i'm not going to fix anything...Nonsense!

  19. @Jay I agree with what u said...I have been there and done that...and then some. When you're joined togather or n a committed relationship it's natural to do those things and to be open minded and unrestricted n the bedroom....but some men don't want to be kept but wants everything you said....So what's the problem when being feed, desired, wanted, appreciated, loved unconditionally, trusted, admired, respected, and being freaked isn't enough? What's missing?

  20. My point was you cannot desire what you are not willing to give...and you two both made my point you want what you are not willing to give yourself. Relationships are not one one is saying as women we don't appreciate the things a man brings to the table but hell most men don;'t appreciate what "we" women bring to the table. If all you looking for is someone to meet all of your checks in the box then "GOOD LUCK" relationships are give and take and in most relationships the men do all the taking and women are suppose to just give, give, give!! What is wrong with wanting to come home as a woman to a meal prepared by my man...nothing. I have no issues with taking care of my family. I enjoy it!! My house never lacks anything Proverbs 31...neither will my man. I am not going to debate with you two about the subject I stand firm on what I was taught by my Big Mama you can never expect more than you are willing to give and that is a fact!!! For the record Jay.... you don't need to have a man physically to make a baby as a woman all you need is sperm...

  21. There are people who are just natural nurturers, its a part of them something that cant be bought. In a relationship it should not be tit for tat or based on I will only do this if he/she does that. Be yourself and dont allow a bad relationship stop you from missing out on a great person. So what he/she didnt appreciate the things that you do/did, get rid of them and move on until you find that one who does. Dont be so quick to jump into something just because he/she is fine as hell, get to know that person and put your feelers out there. Sometimes we may have to kiss a lot of frogs(man or woman) to find that one who will turn into what we are looking for and want. We have to be creative with each other and do some molding along the way. Ladies we dont have to debate with the men and vice versa, what we should all be doing is listening to each other and check ourselves to see where we can make improvements. None of us are perfect and if we look at the comments posted we should look in the mirror and see how they may or may not apply to us. Its obvious that there is trouble in paradise based on the comments that are posted on a regular. Men/women before turning to another to try to fix whats wrong in your relationship, you should turn to your partner and express your concerns and comes up with a solution to the problem. Remember misery loves company so dont turn to the ones who dont have someone for advice! Sorry Go Girl most women are not looking for just sperm, they want the physical man just without the BS!

  22. Daddy's girl...I'm not looking for just sperm either I was stating that that is all that is needed....stating a factin response to a commnent only my dear, but thanks for letting me know what you want!!

  23. @Go Girl, Last time I checked "sperm" came from A MAN. Once again, if you are reading what you type, you are proving my point exactly. You want something for something. If a man doesn't you give this, you don't give him that. Who wants that type of relationship? Whatever happened to strengthening each others weaknesses.

  24. Everybody Loves RaymondJanuary 19, 2011 at 6:47 PM

    Wow @go girl...Let me guess, you're single? I have been reading your post for a while now, and you seem to be very bitter towards men. Like daddy's girl said, it shouldn't be tit for tat. Why should I cook for you if you don't cook for me attitude will get you nowhere. Why should I pay the car notes and the mortgage? No tit for tat, we just do it.

  25. @Diamond, I feel you on that, but that person didn't deserve what you had to offer anyway. Lets face it, some folks wouldn't know a good thing if it stuck to the side of their face.

  26. @Everybody loves Raymond.....sweetheart I am in no way bitter towards men...I love them just fine. I see that no one understands my point therefore I digress. I have no problem getting or keeping a man for that matter...for the record.
    @Jay...I was speaking in terms of technological advancements that provide women the opportunity to obtain sperm (which yes comes from a man...duh) and take her egg fertalize it and place it in her no relationship or BS needed.
    The bottom line is know what you want up front but don't be so selfish as to want things that you are not willing to give and that goes for men and women!!

  27. @ Go Girl, if you read carefully and go with the flow of the words, this blog is talking about how to keep your man, not how to replace them. I stated most women want the traditional physical way of receiving sperm without the BS, not going to a clinic and getting injected with it unless they are 1. have difficulty conceiving or 2. in a same-sex relationship! Let's face it men and women both give as well as receive some type/form of BS in one way or another. The point I was making is that both men and women should not have that tit for tat attitude but there are some that do and if youre not that kind of person, then you know one quality that you need to look for in a mate. Do what you comes natural, faking it will only get you but so far. My grandparents were married for almost 60yrs and others in my family 30yrs or longer. I have and Ive had great women and men role models that I look(ed) up to. They knew what it took to keep each other even if it meant going above and above. Men, some of us werent even around when they started with the womens lib movement so dont ding us all. Men, for the record not all of us are out here trading in our panties for boxers, nor do we believe that chilvary is dead! Come around me and I'll show you just how incapable I am of opening a door...LMAO..!

  28. You've got to be %$#@&* kidding me! #RMDE real hard.

  29. I see I have been missing all of the action....I have to agree with Jay, and as a woman, we havwe really losr those traditions and values that our mothers and grandmothers instilled in us. I have many friends that can't or just plain won't cook for their man, or feel that "I work just like he does, he can cook and clean". We as women have lost touch with that old-fashion kinda love.
