Tuesday, December 28, 2010


"If it happens once, it should never happen again. If it happens twice, it will always happen"


  1. This statement has a lot of validity to it. Some of us still like to believe the good in people, or that they are capable of change. However, when habitual behavior is causing you stress, harm or compromising your happiness, then its best to separate your self from it.

  2. This is so true! Once can be considered a mistake or it can in most cases be provoked behavior. But if it happens twice then it is no oops. The song says do me once shame on you...do me twice shame on you...do me three times shame on me! Personally once is enough for me. If a person has to be verbally, physically and or emotionally abusive towards the person they claim to love...is it reall love? I think not.

  3. We need to stop fooling ourselves by thinking it won't happen again. It will, time after time and then the sorrys become more abundant. First and foremost, love God then love yourself enough to leave. Make sure you always have a way out even when they think you dont!

  4. I haven't seen a statement more truer than this in a long time!!!!!

    And to Mo....your response is right on point.

    Thanks to all for sharing.
