Someone said, just because you hang with certain people doesn't mean you act like them or do what they do. I say, hang at the barbershop long enough you're bound to get a haircut! Be careful, When you look at your closest friends, you look at yourself in the mirror.....You only surround yourself with people and actions that you're comfy cozy with...And thats a FACT!
Damn, this is what I try to tell my girl. She still tries to deny that she's not like that slutty girlfriend she hangs out with
ReplyDeleteThis goes along with the saying "You Are What You Eat," so if you take in trash you will dicard the same. People need to pay attention to what their partners are saying. Its like this, when we look in a mirror we only see ourselves as an image, but people are looking at us in the flesh. What we put out is what they see. So women if that man you met was hanging out with his boys and they did not present themselves accordingly, thats your first sign. Now fellas lets keep it real, you met her in the club wearing what looked liked the same stripper outfit you just saw in "Club Lushes." Who do think you were going to get, "Prince Charming & June Cleaver," Hell no! This goes for both men and women, you lie down with dogs you will get up with fleas.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree to a certain point. Reason being I have some close friends that are completely opposite of me. Our actions and way of thinking is very different. However there are those times where as being that friend, I too will be looked at maybe in a not so polite manner. However we accept our differences and appreciate that we are different. She might wanna take a crazy leap doesn't mean I'm gonna leap right behind her. We are all born in this world but it doesn't mean we have to be of the world. Just because we may have some friends that rate low on the scale doesn't mean that's how we all gotta be. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteOne bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying, most females don't like to admit it, but who they surround themselves with are how they are viewed.
ReplyDeleteTrue you might not take the same leap that ur crazy girlfriend takes, but deep down ur more the same than you realize.
ReplyDeleteThis goes for men too that hang out with their ho-ish boys
ReplyDelete@ Anon, people try to make things fit their situations instead of seeing them for what it really is. It doesnt matter how different your way of thinking or actions may be to you, when people see you with your friends they are looking at you all as a group, not individually. We all are different in a lot of ways, but like my Grams always told me, be careful of the company you keep because its a reflection of you. Im married and I dont hang out with single females, thats not to say I dont have any single friends. Lets be real most of the single ones are out looking for what I already have, so I choose to associate with my married friends the majority of the time. Besides, who wants their single girlfriend going with them on a couples retreat?
ReplyDeleteGood point...Most of your single friends are out looking for what you already have. So besides an occassional shopping outting and maybe lunch, there's not a whole lot to do with the single girls if you're married or in a committed relationship.
ReplyDeleteWomen should take heed to this
ReplyDeleteMen should, too. If ya man-ski still hangs and parties with his homeboy who refuses to get off the 'ho-train', chances are he's living vicariously through his homies antics and would jump at the opportunity for a token to ride the ho-train once again...or maybe he never turned in his unlimited Metro-card. LOL! I guess the moral of this story is to spend your time with people who have the same/similar values and lifestyle as you do.
ReplyDeleteYeah Mo, I agree that pretty much sums it up.